Monday, April 4, 2011

Hello, Blog!

I've been thinking about starting a blog for awhile, and have finally bit the bullet.  I'm not a writer - never have been - but I thought it would be nice to have one place to document some of the fun events of my life. 

My sister has a friend who has a blog that she uses as a baby book.  She talks about their milestones and posts pictures.  After seeing her blog, I decided that I wanted to do something similar for my kids.  However, I don't have kids fact, we know kids are still a ways away.  So, I figured I would start a blog and write about the fun events happening in my life now, pre-kids...and someday, turn this blog into a "baby book" for my kids.

So, without further ado, welcome to my blog.  I'll try and catch up on some of the fun things my husband and I have done as newly weds!

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