Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Who All Seen Da Leprechaun, say Yeah!

This past weekend was spent with 14 friends camping and ziplining in Hocking Hills.  After a week of rain, we had a BEAUTIFUL weekend of sun and 70 degree weather!  Mike and I got there Friday afternoon to find the majority of our friends were already there.  We got our camp set up and enjoyed the evening around the camp fire.

Saturday morning, a group of us woke up and went ziplining at the Hocking Hills Canopy Tour.  It was amazing!  We spent ~2.5 hours ziplining from tree-to-tree.  We had too many people, so we had to break up into two groups, but it was still amazing.  My heart was racing as I stood on the first tree landing, not sure what to expect...we weren't even that high, maybe 30 feet off the ground, but not knowing what to expect got our adrenaline pumping.  After the first ride though, all fears were gone, and we enjoyed the ride!  Here are some pictures from the trip.